So, this is a post of turkeys and recent tweets, wishing you the happiest of Thanksgivings, and leaving you with a few agent giblets to nibble on (ewwww, that was supposed to sound holiday-ish and charming~ instead of saying 'tidbits'~but there's really no charm in the word 'giblets'):
kate_mckean Kate McKean, Howard Morhaim Literary
Hi new crafty followers! I'm looking for new craft books to rep. You must have a full proposal. Esp want sewing, quilting, & knit/crochet.
kate_mckean Kate McKean
Just like "Hey, can I have a job?" is not a cover letter, "Hey, can you publish this?" is not a query. #pubtip
WolfsonLiterary Michelle Wolfson
RT @agentgame: Queries for three separate projects sent by the same writer within moments of each other? Don't ever do this. #pubtip
LitAgentMarini Victoria Marini, Gelfman Schneider Agency
" taste [of] blood in my mouth" -> SHOCKED by how often see this phrase in MS's. #redundant #epitomeofoverexplaining
LitAgentMarini Victoria Marini
where else would you taste it? or ANYTHING, for that matter! i.e "guys, I can taste thin mints in my shoe
sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla, Curtis Brown, Ltd.
Writers: Don't tell me someone/something is "beautiful." Show me how they/it looks & reactions of others & I'll be able to see beauty in it.

sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla
Beauty is abstract & subjective. It doesn't look like anything, so it tells me nothing about what or who you're trying to describe.
BostonBookGirl Lauren E. MacLeod, Strothman Agency
Lots of YA about college students in slush. Those are hard to sell, must be the greatest concept EVER to get a request from me. #pubtip
jsinsheim Jessica Sinsheimer, Sarah Jane Freymann Agency
Another amazing manuscript with a terrible query.Why did I request it? The title. Which is excellent. Almost as good as the pages themselves.
TayMartindale Taylor Martindale, Full Circle Literary
I'd really like to see more contemporary YA in my inbox. Unique concepts, memorable characters... Send them my way! #queries #amwriting
MarleneStringer Marlene Stringer, Stringer Literary Agency
There's a difference between "heroine" and "heroin." #pubtip
sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla
Just scheduled my 1st 2012 lunch. "Holiday season" has arrived. Writers, feel free to keep querying, but be ready for slower response times.