sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla (Curtis Brown, Ltd.)
Lesson: You need to have the whole package, writers. Brilliant idea + brilliant writing. It's not an either/or deal.
greyhausagency greyhausagency RT by JillCorcoran (The Herman Agency)
Telling an agent during a pitch that you have been rejected by over 100 agents is not a great start!
mer_barnes Meredith Barnes (Lowenstein Associates)
Really, any manuscript over 400,000 words is just. not. query-able. Come on.
SarahGreenhouse Sarah Davies (Greenhouse Literary)
For my heart to leap, it would have to be a very special werewolf. So many have padded across my inbox already today.
BostonBookGirl Lauren E. MacLeod (Strothman Agency)
Don't start a query telling me all the great lessons a MG reader will learn from your book. Do you want to read a book pitched like that?
SarahGreenhouse Sarah Davies (Greenhouse Literary)
If querying, keep a careful response log. We see lots of resubmissions, already declined. Those peeps' inboxes must be a disaster area.
ChrisRichman Chris Richman (Upstart Crow Literary)
Important agenting announcement: I'm closed to unsolicited submissions until September. More details here: http://bit.ly/dnYas8 (1/2)
SarahGreenhouse Sarah Davies (Greenhouse Literary)
Query writing is often portrayed as an arcane science. Just keep it simple, clear and brief. And voila, it does the job!
KSonnack Kelly Sonnack (Andrea Brown Literary)
Still dreaming about signing up an amazing YA thriller writer.
SaraMegibow Sara Megibow (Nelson Literary)
ps. going in to #RWA11, yes, I admit, I have a love for wonderful historical romances (secret info) ("what I like").
sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla (Curtis Brown, Ltd.)
Reminder to YA/MG writers: Your main character's grandparents did not fight in WW2. They fought in Vietnam.
sarahlapolla Sarah LaPolla (Curtis Brown, Ltd.)
Would add "overly written imagery to describe the setting" to Openings to Avoid list. There's a place for that, but it's not right away.
mer_barnes Meredith Barnes (Lowenstein Associates)
If you're putting the F-word in your title, you better have a f*cking good reason.
That's all—enjoy the rest of June!