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Friday, July 1, 2011

Find Out What Your REAL Audience Thinks!

Brittany over at Hills and Corkscrews is the amazing teen blogger/writer hosting the Teen Writers Summer Blogfest. Adults don't participate, but this is a great chance to see what the teen mind is thinking when it comes to books and writing.

Pleeeease feel free to steal the non-participant badge (above) and spread the word! Show your support for some amazing future authors, not to mention the people who are the target audience for many of us.

And guess what? As part of the blogfest, these cool cats are willing to critique your work. Wouldn’t it be cool to know what a teen audience thinks of your idea and first pages?

Deadlines for Critique Entries: Get your blurbs (she'd like your query letter pitch paragraphs up to 250 words) to Brittany by July 4, First Pages (up to 500 words) by July 7. Send your submissions to brittany (at) hillsandcorkscrews (dot) com with the subject line: Submission: (insert Blurb or First Page or both). Click HERE and scroll down a bit to get more info on blurb/first pages restrictions (must be PG-13, etc).

Also, the final day of the blogfest is reserved for "Ask the Teens." Please submit questions regarding teen reading and writing to Brittany as well (by July 4).

The following teen bloggers are participating:

3. Rachael from Writers' Chasm

5. Nick from Writing Fire

6. Laura from Laura + the voices

Here’s the schedule of posts by the participants. Again, this is a wonderful chance to hear (okay, read) the voices of teens who deserve attention for being passionate about writing and reading:

July 1, Fri- Introductions
July 2, Sat- On Reading
July 3, Sun- Excerpts
July 4, Mon- Interviews
July 5, Tues- Blurb Critiques
July 6, Wed- Giveaway/contest
July 7, Thur- On Writing
July 8, Fri- First Page critiques
July 9, Sat- Ask the Teens

What are you waiting for? Go visit these incredibly proactive young writers this week and next! Please help spread the word.


  1. Thanks for posting these links, Jess. I'm looking forward to checking out their blogs -- they sound amazing!

  2. Aw, this is like striking gold! Thanks, Jess, for these links. It will be good to see what these teens like, what they don't like, and learn from them. Very cool!

  3. I've heard of this blogfest, it sounds awesome!

  4. Wow, this sounds fantastic! I'm going to be following with great interest! (I'm back from holidays, obvs... with exciting news! :)

  5. This is awesome!! What a great way to hear it from the horses' mouth!

  6. Can I just say, I love your blog name. And speaking of blog names, you got mine wrong--it's Laura + the voices, haha. Just wanted to prevent any confusion... :) Glad to see someone spreading the word about the blogfest!

  7. Thanks for spreading the word!

  8. I'm sorry I've missed this. It sounded amazing. You're posts are always informative. Thanks.

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  10. I think it's wonderful that teens have a platform to share their thoughts on writing.
