I may use the results for a blogpost down the road, so I would really appreciate any participation!
If you leave a comment (and please do!), I would LOVE for you to let me know which of these six environments you’d write in, and what age/genre you write for (examples: Sunset/Adult Thriller, Thunderstorm/MG Adventure, Coffee-Tea shop/YA Paranormal).
Sorry, but no combining (i.e. Thunderstorm in a Forest, Sunset watched in a Coffee Shop). Assume that you and your laptop/notebook will remain clean and dry (or sand-free), even in outdoor situations. And, let’s say that the sunset would last more than fifteen minutes :) Just use your instinct to pick one that would foster a positive writing experience for you.
I realize that I can’t capture everyone’s ideal writing spot, but please pick whichever one of these choices you think might nurture your creativity and pages. Remember, this isn’t necessarily where you would like to spend vacation time, this is where you would be able to write well (though, those two might be the same).
Feel free to tell me why (lack of distractions, access to people-watching, etc.), or just list your preference.
Would your wri

Beach during a Sunset

Anytime/weather in a Traditional Office

Anywhere during a Thunderstorm

Anywhere in a Forest

Anytime/weather in a Coffee-Tea Shop

Anytime/weather in a Desert
Thanks, and have a great week!
Hmmm... I can pretty much write anywhere and usually it's an airport or at my kitchen table. HOWEVER, if I wasn't going to get attacked by animals and creepy crawly bugs I'd write in the forest.
ReplyDeleteMy genre is YA Fantasy.
I prefer to be inside, but not in my office due to distractions. But if I have to pick an outdoor setting, it would be desert. I used to live in New Mexico and the desert is the most beautiful place on earth.
ReplyDeleteI write non-fiction and YA.
I would be the anytime/weather writer in an office and I attempt non-fiction.
ReplyDeleteWhat? There isn't a Standing at the Stove/Hurricane category? that's where I actually write. And since I've never tried anywhere else...hmmm...I honestly don't know.
ReplyDeleteOh, man, I love your visuals. I usually write in my office, but I have gone up into the mountains. I tend to get a little distracted up there because I want to watch what's going on.
ReplyDeleteHa, that last picture looks like home--but I STILL get distracted. I think I've developed late adult ADD. I mean I practically gave up everything to have that last environment so I can write and I'm still floundering around with my manuscript. My genre is women's commercial fiction/adventure/romance or some combination....
ReplyDeleteI'm the anywhere/any weather (except for catastrophic) in the office writer. A little quiet and my mind can race.
ReplyDeleteOh, forgot...YA paranormal or fanatsy for me.
ReplyDeleteI hear you, Donna. I love the outdoors, and I've tried writing outside in Nature. I would love to be able to write out there, and get inspiration from the landscape, but the landscape tends to stop me from being productive instead of just inspiring me. It's a thunderstorm for me~ taps into my emotions, I think, and gives me atmosphere. Keeps me inside, too :)
ReplyDeleteI could write anywhere, but if I could pick...
ReplyDeleteSunset/Inspirational Historical Romance
Honestly, I would probably watch the sunset, then go back to my desk and write.
Fun post.
I write the best at my local B&N cafe--so that's what I'm going with, a coffee shop. If I'm at the beach--which I love--I'm having too much enjoying the sights and smells and fun to actually get any writing accomplished. I write YA contemp.
ReplyDeleteI wrote a lot of the beginning of my wip in my car (not while driving) and now I prefer to be in my jammies writing :) So, I guess I'd be car/YA post-apocalyptic or jammies/YA post-apocalytpic :) fun label
ReplyDeleteI write YA paranormal. Usually. ;) And I'd LOVE to write at the beach. For now I just have to settle with my house. In my living room. :)
ReplyDeletemmmm...Definitely thunderstorm.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds rockin' :)
And my genre has switched with each book, but to pick one: YA Suspense/Magical Realism.
Great pictures, Jess, and a fun survey! If I'm under the gun, I can write in almost any indoor setting, but the tea/coffee shop is my preference. I like to have a big, hot, and either caffeinated or calming beverage (depending on my mental state, heh heh) next to me, and I like a steady hum of background noise for some reason--I think because it makes me feel like I'm still part of the world even while I'm doing a very solitary activity.
ReplyDeleteMy genre is funny MG.
Hard decisions, but I'm going with a forest on this one :) Fun poll.
ReplyDeleteAnytime in a traditional office. I need a lack of distractions, and outdoor beauty is a huge distraction for me! It's why I deliberately have my desk computer facing away from the window. The room is quiet and (if I turn off my email) there's a minimum of things to distract me.
ReplyDeleteI write MG and (just recently) adult contemporary.
I could never write in a coffee shop- I need practically total silence, though when I wrote my novel for NaNoWriMo this year we were getting our hallway painted and it wasn't exactly quite!
ReplyDeleteI think I'd write either Tradtitional Offic/YA or Forest/YA (In nice weather!)
I generally write YA. ( :
I'm definitely a Thunderstorm girl. And if I had extra preference, it would be with a fully charged laptop battery and a power outage. That makes the darkness/isolation more encompassing, every single lightning strike light up the room, and rolling thunder as a soundtrack.
ReplyDeleteI write for adults! Off-beat Kooky Romance, Sci-Fi and Paranormal.
I'd love the teashop, am motivated by carving a little space for myself amid all the hubbub.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm really glad you liked the Q&A!
ReplyDeleteWriting is too internal (for me) for me to be concerned with where I'm doing it. I need to be focused on the writing without distractions.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of distractions...
Oh... what's a genre?
I write YA, and I'd have to go for the coffee shop, because it's nice to see other things going on, and being away from home helps me focus on writing instead of housework. Plus it's just nice for a change of scene. Otherwise, if the traditional office had a comfy couch that would be a good second-place spot. I love the outdoor places, but it's harder for me to concentrate outside, especially since I have trouble seeing the computer screen with the sun on it. Oh, and my other favorite place to write? The library, which is where I am right now.
ReplyDeleteThunder/Thriller. Thank goodness I have an enclosed porch. =)
ReplyDeleteThey all look pretty good to me, except the desert. haha. Well I could handle a desert at night when it gets cold, but not during the day!!
ReplyDeleteWeird, but I do feel more creative when there's some sort of weather phenomenon LOL. I like writing in thunderstorms and I could definitely see myself writing while watching a sunset too. . .
ReplyDeleteCoffee Shop/YA Paranormal.
ReplyDeleteThough I usually write in my living room on my love seat, with the sun and plants at my back and a cat on my lap.
ReplyDeleteAny time or weather in a traditional office works for me. Anything else will be pure distraction.
ReplyDeleteMy answer would be Anywhere. Period. However, if pressed, I will say coffee shop.
ReplyDeleteThe white noise from the people moving and talking around me helps me to concentrate.
...great post, Jess ;)
ReplyDeleteUnder most circumstances, that thunderstorm is most alluring, but considering my tedious schedule this month...anyplace quiet will do.
They're all awesome and I can write in any of those locations/situations but I prefer the forest. Something about a forest sets my wheels a turnin'. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, I write YA and MG and lean toward adventure and fantasy.
Any time or weather in a traditional office is my default position, but the coffee-shop would be a close runner-up! :)
ReplyDeleteBeach at sunset, no question. I write YA everything.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be able to write in a forest (MG adventure here), because they just spark my imagination. Fun idea!
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