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Monday, March 2, 2015

Book Love & Giveaway: Becky Wallace's THE STORYSPINNER

Tomorrow, March 3rd, is a very special day for a very special lady. My dear friend Becky Wallace has written a gorgeous, intriguing, thrilling YA Fantasy called The Storyspinner. I was lucky enough to read early drafts of this book and cannot wait to get my hands on the hardcover. I preordered 2 copies and will be giving one away. Just leave a comment and consider yourself entered! I'll choose a winner via Random.org and will update this post one week from today.
UPDATE: Random.org chose comment #6, which means Natalie Aguirre has won the hardcover of The Storyspinner! Congratulations, Natalie~ I know you'll enjoy it! Please email me with the address where you'd like the book sent.


Drama and danger abound in this fantasy realm where dukes play a game for the throne, magical warriors race to find the missing heir, and romance blossoms where it is least expected.

In a world where dukes plot their way to the throne, a Performer’s life can get tricky. And in Johanna Von Arlo’s case, it can be fatal. Expelled from her troupe after her father’s death, Johanna is forced to work for the handsome Lord Rafael DeSilva. Too bad they don’t get along. But while Johanna’s father’s death was deemed an accident, the Keepers aren’t so sure.

The Keepers, a race of people with magical abilities, are on a quest to find the princess—the same princess who is supposed to be dead and whose throne the dukes are fighting over. But they aren’t the only ones looking for her. And in the wake of their search, murdered girls keep turning up—girls who look exactly like the princess, and exactly like Johanna.

With dukes, Keepers, and a killer all after the princess, Johanna finds herself caught up in political machinations for the throne, threats on her life, and an unexpected romance that could change everything.


“This tale of murder, kidnapping, and magic held me from start to finish!”
~Tamora Pierce, NYT Bestselling author of The Will of the Empress, The Circle of Magic, and The Circle Opens quartets

“Becky Wallace couples a classic romance with cut-throat political intrigue and wraps it in a detailed and enthralling magical world. I can’t wait for the sequel.”
~Cinda Williams Chima, NYT Bestselling author of The Heir Trilogy and The Seven Realms series


In second grade, Becky Wallace had to sit in the corner because she refused to write anything except princess stories and fairy tales (and because she talked too much). Her time in isolation gave her plenty of opportunities to dream up the fantasy worlds she’s been dabbling with ever since. She was lucky enough to find her own real-life Prince Charming. They have four munchkins and live in happy little town near Houston, Texas.

Becky on TWITTER


  1. What an intriguing sounding book! It almost has echoes of the Arthur legend, only with a female hero instead of male. I don't read much fantasy these days, but this one sound super.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Elizabeth! I don't read much YA fantasy either, but this one pulled me right in!

  2. I've been hearing so many good things about this book--I am definitely intrigued and am very eager to read this one. Congrats to Becky Wallace on her debut!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Sam! Good luck in the giveaway :)

  3. This book seems to have everything going for it: magic, romance, political intrigue, fast-paced plot, great worldbuilding. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Joanne! Good luck in the giveaway :)

  4. Wahoo - Becky's book sounds awesome! I'm going to add this to my Goodreads! Congrats to Becky!

  5. Ooh, I have to read this. Fingers crossed I win.

    1. Glad it sounds up your alley, Natalie! Good luck in the giveaway!

  6. I love the entire premise of this book - and the cover is awesome! Really evokes action and intrigue. Congrats! And I'd love to win a copy!

  7. Thank you for featuring another great kid lit book. I don't read a lot of YA fantasy, but this sounds like a good place to start. And I know some young ladies who would probably love this!

  8. I don't read a lot of YA fantasy either, but this sounds terrific! My children ADORE fantasy and this sounds right up their ally. I so love the book cover, that Becky couldn't stop writing princess stories in first grade, and that she's a mother AND a writer. Very inspirational. Congrats!

    1. Yep, she's got FOUR little ones to wrangle while writing~ I think of her (and you!) any time I feel overwhelmed with my two wee ones (the older ones aren't the same kind of distraction :)).

  9. I saw this cover before, don't recall where but I remember liking it very much and the synopses sounds quite intriguing, I envy you reading the book already :)

  10. I saw this cover before, don't recall where but I remember liking it very much and the synopses sounds quite intriguing, I envy you reading the book already :)

    1. Well, the finished book is a bit different than the version I got to read~ I just finished the hardcover and am even more in love than I was before!

  11. I remember Becky working on this too, and how thrilled she was when it sold. I'm glad it's getting such rave reviews!

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  13. Intriguing cover. Also, it's good to get a blurb from Tamora Pierce.


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